Wednesday, April 8, 2020

To the madness.

"1 John 4:19  We love because He first loved us."

Hi, hope all is well.

My name is Anne Marjorie.

I like to think about the smallest, beautiful things. I enjoy listening and creating music. I sing wherever I am, whenever I can. I can play the guitar, ukulele, and piano. I get lost mostly when I create my covers, edit my videos, or write about my thoughts. I think too much before doing anything, making me very indecisive. I wish I was more reckless in doing things. I love cats. I've been loving them since I was this 4 year old kid who likes to feed the ferals outside our house. My mom wouldn't stop talking to me about it, but I liked seeing these little ones being fed well. I can spend sleepless nights just watching cat videos, too. I used to own many, but I decided to stop taking care of them after losing my beloved Smeagol to a bad wound infection. Those were the scary times. I get scared easily, although I pretend not to. Pain has become a friendly visitor. I get hurt easily, but somehow I've learned not to let them get inside my head. I love spending my time just looking at the sky, my favorite art.The pinkish sky in the early morning. The bright blue sky at 12 pm. The golden sky during sunsets. The dark but moonlit sky in the evening. Maybe that explains my desire to fly. I only dream of a life where I can only see different places, meet different people, learn endlessly. I don't believe in limiting oneself. Life is meant to be discovered, honored, spent well.

I love passionately. Because He did it first. And I'd like to tell you that it's okay to be scared on different things. Fear is a battle we are all facing. But He did not create fear, instead, a heart protected by faith. You can teach yourself not to be scared of love. You'll always have that. Jesus died to let you know how loved we are. So love fiercely. Extend yourself to as many people as you can and be passionate about feeling and loving them. I aim to do the same, slowly, as I teach myself to love my own, too.

May the skies remind you of the endless possibilities awaiting your life, and may the chaos of the world create a burning passion in you to love, respect, and honor yourself and everyone you come to see.

Here's to the madness, and God's insane love for you.

Anne x

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